Are you interested in seeing and touching how to connect equipment from the 1970s/80s to modern ERP system without spending a fortune?
I can help
Are you interested in seeing and touching hands-on, how to take dozens of measurements via ad hoc sensors and saved directly to Azure/AWS?
I can help
Are you interested in seeing and touching with your own hands, how a vision system can identify quality problems automatically, without acquiring very expensive hardware implementations?
I can help
Are you interested in seeing and touching with your own hands, a robotic system capable of autonomous packaging?
I can help
Are you interested in seeing and touching, a datalogger to monitor your shipments (temperatures, pressure, humidity)?
I can help
Are you interested in seeing and touching with your hands, a system that can monitor your technicians' enablement?
I can help
Are you interested in seeing and touching, a system that can monitor the validity of the tools used in your department?
I can help
Are you interested in seeing and touching, a system that can detect how long an operator has been working alongside a piece of equipment, automatically?
I can help