What documentation is required?
Generally, documents required related to non-conformity handling are:
• Procedures
Non-conformity handling procedures are mandatory and very common for any organisation or company. This document should guide all employees within the organisation to be aware of the non-conformity handling process. The acknowledgement and training of this procedure are also considered critical as part of your business.
• Form Template
To have everything recorded well, you are required to provide and develop a standardised framework structured in form templates for employees to fill in in the event of any incidents. For example, Non-Conformance Reports (NCR) and Non-Conformance Investigation Reports are usually created and raised for each non-conformance found using standardised form templates.
• Other Records
As the non-conformities can vary, your organisation must retain other relevant supporting documentation. These can support the investigation process more straightforwardly, as well as support the corrective action conducted.
Maintaining retained information might seem like an extra hassle when juggling it with other daily operational activities, especially ensuring all retained documents are available during any audit or activities for review purposes.
At Stendard, we have developed our proprietary software, an exciting tool as part of your Document Management System, to maintain your retained information or documentation paperlessly, allowing you to access it anywhere.
With Stendard Solution™ as one of the software tools, organisations can control all processes easily, enhancing business productivity which saves costs and ensures that your customers are satisfied with the service provided. Feel free to find out more about our platform here.
Final Thoughts
A robust system to control the non-conformity handling process will significantly benefit your management system and business, including setting up your Non-conformity Handling Procedure and other relevant SOPs.
Most importantly, how you implement it in the entire process in your business, how deeply your employee is aware of it, and how your Correction Action and Preventive Action Procedure support it.
The following are the other advantages of continuously implementing a robust non-conformance handling system :
• Reduction and or prevention of the recurrence of non-conformances
• Reduction of customer complaints
• Continuous improvement on the effectiveness of the Management Systems, including compliance with any quality standard
• Continuous improvement on the product or service quality provided
• Improvement of resource efficiency through the system review
The control function of this system might be best handled by your quality managers, as both conformances and non-conformances are inseparable from the management system or quality standards themselves.
Alternatively, if your company and business require support and service to conform with non-conformity requirements, our in-house consultants can also provide the following:
1. Setting up your non-conformity procedure and process, which serves as a guide for your team to implement best practices for:
○ Identification of non-conformities
○ Root cause analysis
○ Determination of appropriate changes whenever a non-conformity occurs
○ Ensuring effectiveness and improvement of your quality management systems
○ Compliance with various ISO standard’s non-conformity requirements
○ Ensuring that the processes are well documented
2. Address any non-conformities arising from internal or external audits on the ISO standard that your company complies with. This includes the documented suggestion for process improvement and rectification of your company to address the non-conformity, ensuring that it does not occur again.
From: https://stendard.com/en-sg/blog/non-conformity/